What is the cost to patent a business idea?

Many inventors and the companies they work for often wonder how patents can be obtained when it comes business ideas. The second, and most important question is: What will it all cost? It is difficult …

Many inventors and the companies they work for often wonder how patents can be obtained when it comes business ideas. The second, and most important question is: What will it all cost? It is difficult to estimate costs. This is due to the fact that it depends on which technologies you use to invent your invention. Let’s try to explain at least a portion of the cost it takes to patent a business concept.

Patenting Ideas Are Important

If you look back at the past, inventors didn’t realize the importance of patenting inventions. This led to many conflicts, but also great injustices. We can recall the cases and conflicts that Edison and Tesla had with Marconi over radio. Marconi was able to profit from this patent because he protected it – and is still considered its inventor today. Because Tesla was more of an inventor and scientist than a businessman, some inventions were denied to him. You must be both. Do not let anyone steal your idea and make a fortune. Instead, patent your idea to protect it. This is not a difficult process for inventors today.

What is considered a patent and what is not?

Patents are the legal right to an invention. They can be granted for any type of technology or technique. It must be a novel and original invention, that can be used in practice. Patents cannot be granted for an idea only. It must, on the contrary. A scientific theory, for instance, cannot be patentable. It isn’t legally considered an invention. Many scientists, such as Stephen Hawking, became famous purely because of their theories and ideas. Let’s go back to the practice. It is very likely that you can patent a business idea you have already put into practice.

What business ideas can you patent?

Companies and inventors must be able to use the business idea in an industrial application when developing business ideas. Business ideas often translate into tangible products, or new technology that can be used in production. There are often technologies that can be used to make or compose certain products, such as food, beverages, and the like. The bottom line is that you cannot patent a business concept. However, you can patent a method of doing business or the practical application. According to InventHelp there is often confusion about this. It is a good idea to seek out professional agencies for assistance in obtaining a patent. You can trust the experts to guide you through the whole process, including the part regarding the payment of patent fees.

What is the cost of a patent application?

You need to remember one thing, even if you’re employed by a company or an investor. Patents are only available to individuals, not companies or groups of inventors. You will need to pay fees for technical review, searching for patents and other fees when applying for a patent. These fees may vary depending on the location where you are applying. They are usually not very expensive and range from $ 130 to $ 150. This applies to smaller inventions, while larger, more technical ones (such machines or other devices) can be more expensive, and could cost several thousand of dollars. The process of filling out a patent application can be confusing. It is a good idea to seek the advice of patent attorneys and experts who are experienced.

There are other ways to protect your ideas

You don’t have to patent your business idea if it is not possible. There are many other ways to protect it. Moreover, even if you patent a product, machine, etc. It is recommended to consider other protection options. Copyright protection and intellectual property protection are two of the options. These types of protection can help you protect your ideas, written or artistic content and design, as well as any other unique features that set you apart from other individuals or companies.

Copyright registration

The author of a copyrighted piece is entitled to legal protection by having it registered. Although registration may not be required in some countries, it is believed that the author is protected from the moment the work was created, as per the law. The author’s copyright can be invoked based on the fact that the work was created. It is not necessary to go through any registration procedures. Certain intellectual property rights, such as patents, designs, and trademarks, must be registered.

Copyright and Intellectual Property Infringement

You have the legal right to request that someone pay you a fee if they infringe your copyright, trademark or patent. You will also be required to pay the person compensation for any financial loss that you suffered as a result of the unauthorised use of your intellectual property, including lost profits.


We can conclude that a patent cannot be granted without at least $ 2500 for simple small inventions. However, the amount required for more complex patents is much higher. While the process of protecting and patenting intellectual property can be time-consuming, it is always worth the effort. A protected patent or idea not only gives you the moral satisfaction of creating something new, but it also creates a market for your ideas and can be sold.